Tree house

Tree house

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Girls Like 'Staches

Tonight I have to pause my series (if two posts make a series) on people who have invested in me, to share a little teenage insight I received tonight.  You see, I was told in all seriousness by my 13- year-old that girls like 'staches.  This was said as he stroked the newly visible hair that has appeared above his lip.  By visible, I mean to those who happen to have a magnifying glass handy.  He went on to describe an eighth grader with a full grown beard, and a seventh grader with a dark brown, pencil-thin 'stache above his lip.  I usually just think those kids need to wash their face.  

As I made a big deal of the newly grown hair, I couldn't help but tear up a bit.  This is another milestone--a big one at that--in his physical development.  We raise them to grow and leave us, but that doesn't necessarily make it any easier. 

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