Tree house

Tree house

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

End of an Era

Over the course of the last week, it has really hit me:  life is changing.  I know that's an er-duh kind of statement, but we are definitely in a state of transition right now.  For example:

  • I will never again buy clothes in the boys 4-7 section.  Both boys are now size 8 and up, with one in the men's section for some of his clothes.
  • Gabe is going to his first middle school dance tomorrow.  Does he know how to dance?  No.  Will he dance with a girl?  Probably not.  If he does, will he tell us?  Again, probably not.
  • Gabe is in middle school.  And doing well, all things considered, especially academically.  That's a huge praise right there.
  • Zane makes it clear on a daily basis that he is growing up and can do more things on his own.  Usually, in an annoyed voice along the lines of  "Maaaahhhhmmmmmm...I'm fine.  I can do this."
  • This one gets me:  Zane no longer wants to read the seasonal picture books. Or any kind of picture book. All he wants to read are chapter books now.
  • We've stopped reading to Gabe before bed each night.  After all, we finished the Harry Potter series, most of the Hardy Boys, and all of the Narnia books.  While it was bittersweet for all of us, he would rather read his books on his own now.  We still do prayers and/or devotions, but that time sharing books is over.
Our boys are 13 and almost 8.  The little boy phase is over for good.  While that's exactly how it's supposed to be, there are definitely things that I'll miss.  I love being able to have real conversations with Gabe as you may only do with a growing young adult.  Yet I miss the sweet innocence of his younger days.  Zane is changing physically and I already miss his baby face and adorable sweetness.  Life doesn't stand still for a reason, and I am excited about the next phase we have in front of us.  But for a second or two, I am mourning the passing of time, for those fleeting years have been so sweet.

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